Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Here goes nothin'

So here goes, My name is Clay.

Im starting this blog for a few reasons. 
One: In hopes that my experiences, success's and failures, can be of some benifit to anyone who may stumble accross it find themselves reading.
Two: To act as a record of my progress, my activities, changes in life and programming.

This is a Blog about my journey into a never ending fitness experiment, Crossfit and Crossfit style programming, Trial and error with different paleo diet varriants.  What I'm doing, how I feel about it, if it works, and about the people I meet along the way.

I've been on this journey for a few years now, I'll try from time to time to "Flashback" and bring the past to the table.  I'll also try my best to keep this Blog up to date with current post every day or so.

I'm in the military, and striving for a "Fit" life style with a strict diet can at times be very difficult to maintain, and even more difficult to just simply figure out.  Its a fact, we cant eat on a regular schedule ALL the time, and damn sure cant always eat what we want to, in order to stay within the box of our diet.  We even find ourselves going out and doing things for weeks or months at a time with little time or opportunity for fitness programming and even less opportunity for quality food intake. For example, a training event with a long duration, high work output, and MRE's are the only option for food/fuel intake.  How does one prepare for that?  Well, im trying to figure that out, and hopefully somewhere amongst all these rambles of what goes on in my day to day chase for progress, it will help those in similar situations.

I enjoy pushing myself past these so called "limits" that people so easily place upon themselves, I hope anyone reading this feels the same.  If you want it, you can get it, all it takes is work... Hard work.  I'd rather suck in the gym, than suck at life.

Lets "Spank This Pig"

1 comment:

  1. So stoked you started your blog. Now for an update on mine! :) love you bro!
